The skin is the biggest organ the body has, and endless care is required to keep it in good condition. There is a multitude of skin issues that can arise if the skin is not cared for properly. One of the most common skin concerns is dark marks caused by acne.
Dark marks are small patches of hyperpigmentation that appear after acne blemishes go down. Dark marks are very common, especially with darker skin tones. To lessen the appearance of dark spots, a solid skincare routine must be established. First, start with a cleanser and exfoliator combo, to properly cleanse and shed dead skin cells so your other skincare products can be properly absorbed. Secondly, a moisturizing, dark spot clearing product should be applied, such as our 10x cream for the face. This product lessens the appearance of dark spots while deeply moisturizing the skin. Lastly, be sure to use sunscreen of at least SPF 30. Using sunscreen every day will help protect your skin and prevent more dark spots from appearing.

Dark spots are a very common skin concern. They can also be quite bothersome to remove. With a quality skincare routine and consistency, the removal of dark spots can be made much easier. If you have any questions, feel free to chat with a knowledgeable skin care expert 24/7 via LiveChat!