Even toned skin is one uniform color and doesn't require makeup to look its best which is why it is highly sought after. It may seem like this is something that is fairly easy to achieve but just a week of sun in the fun or one bad breakout or allergic reaction can easily turn one from even toned and beautiful skin to having 2 and even 3 toned skin from head to toe. There are way to get back your even toned skin which will be discussed below.
What Causes Patchy, Discolored, Uneven Skin Tone?
**Actual Tonique customer before and after**
People of all skin tones desire to even toned and beautifully flawless skin which in most cases are mutually exclusive. This sought after beauty feature sounds good but is in fact difficult to achieve especially if one has sun damage or suffers from skin conditions, allergic reactions, chronic inflammation, etc. Imagine having a face that is 3+ shades darker than your body because you were outdoors a lot while you were younger without sunscreen. Needless to say it can be a never ending battle if you don't know how to get rid of discoloration aka hyperpigmentation of the skin. For some people it may be years before they can get rid of uneven skin, but if the right skin care regimen is followed, flawless skin can be yours in a short time.
Which Products to Use for a Uniform Skin Tone
1. On the road to beautiful skin, the first thing that must be done religiously and without fail is exfoliating. This removes the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and begins the process of even toning any uneven and patchy areas. Most of the time exfoliating the face with a scrub or another exfoliant is emphasized but it is also important to exfoliate the body too, using an exfoliating cloth and natural exfoliating bar.

2. The second thing is to apply a good skin lightening cream evenly to any areas that are discolored. It is important to apply it to the entire area that is to be lightened. For example, if you have dark spots on the face, apply a facial lightening cream to the entire face, if you're lightening sun damage on the back, you'd apply a good lightening lotion to the entire back.

3. Last but not least is sun protection. This is a way to protect the skin from tanning and sun damage, and can be done in several ways. As a rule of thumb, before going out in the daytime hours (even if it is raining out), apply a sunscreen to any areas that aren't covered by clothing. It is a great habit to have and of course protects the skin from tanning. If you'll be doing something active outdoors like swimming or playing sports, don't forget to reapply every 30 minutes for optimal protection. Even with sunscreen it is important to avoid direct sunlight for more than a few minutes. The reason for this is sunscreen and sunblock merely screen the rays of the sun and does not protect from them completely, therefore tanning to some degree is still possible.
If you follow these steps and a dedicated skin care regimen for hyperpigmentation removal, you'll be on your way to even toned, flawless, and glowing skin that doesn't require makeup faster than you thought. If you still have questions, live chat with a knowledgeable skin care representative 24/7 on the Tonique skin care website at www.toniqueskincare.com.